Real Food Power Nutrition

Nutrition Coaching


About Real Food Power Nutrition

Real Food Power Nutrition is a nutrition consulting practice that works one-on-one with clients to support them in making changes to their diet and lifestyle to achieve optimal health. I specialize in working with people who have symptoms like food cravings, stubborn weight gain, feeling tired all the time, poor sleep, achey joints, mental fatigue, and low energy.  These symptoms are often signs of metabolic dysfunction and inflammation and may show up before you learn about concerns such as high blood sugar, high blood pressure, or high cholesterol at the doctor’s office. 

I named my business Real Food Power Nutrition because I believe that eating a diet of whole, unprocessed foods – ie real food – is the most powerful thing you can do for your health. Within the framework of real food, I work with clients to create customized programs based on their individual responses to food. A diet that is tailored to your body, your preferences, and your lifestyle is more likely to be effective and sustainable.   Through one-on-one coaching sessions over a 3-month period, clients are supported as they make changes that will last a lifetime. Other factors such as exercise, sleep and stress are incorporated into the program and create a strong foundation for ongoing health and vitality. 


  • Nutrition Assessment

  • Lifestyle Assessment

  • Customized Nutrition Programs

  • Nutrition Education

  • Coaching and Support for Behavioral Change

Kristin Stitz, BCHN®, MHP
Nutrition Consultant
Board Certified in Holistic Nutrition
Metabolic Health Professional
Real Food Power Nutrition LLC


Kristin is a graduate of Bauman College, School of Holistic Nutrition and Culinary Arts. She is Board Certified in Holistic Nutrition (BCHN®) by the National Association of Nutrition Professionals and certified as a Metabolic Health Practitioner (MHP) by the Society of Metabolic Health Professionals.

Holistic Nutritionists use real, unprocessed foods and the latest in nutrition science to create customized programs that meet the bio-individual needs of their clients. Kristin has an undergraduate degree in Chemistry from Duke University, an advanced business degree from Purdue University, prior work experience in the pharmaceutical industry and as a management consultant, and 7 years in the nonprofit world as a cooking and nutrition educator. Her combination of education and experience makes Kristin uniquely suited to supporting clients as they navigate making changes to their diet and lifestyle to support optimal health. As a food lover and passionate cook, Kristin believes that eating Real Food is not only nutritious, but is also one of life’s greatest pleasures. She loves teaching clients how to ditch the diets and experience the Power of Real Food.